
life, in general

It is crazy to me how fast time is passing right now.
Maybe it's because I have so much to do between class, work, and packing, but time is literally flying by.
I started a countdown {what feels like yesterday but was actually over two weeks ago} for when I'm moving, and it has already gone from 45 to a mere 24 days!!
Which also means in 24 days I will FINALLY officially be a senior!
30 hours away from sweet, sweet freedom.

This past weekend was great.
Kayla and I went to a wedding on Saturday and it was great.  Honestly, I think it was one of the most touching ceremonies I've seen so far.  Definitely top two.
And trust me, I would know...I've attended 5 weddings in the last year...
Which my dad so lovingly pointed out on the phone last night when he was exclaiming how my generation must love to marry young haha.
Anyway though, it was great.  And then Kayla got to finally be introduced to the people Joe and I spend most of our time with {Michael and July}, see our new apartment, and have her first experience at Twisted Taco!
Total success.

Oh yeah, another thing I wanted to share with you guys was that my second attempt at cooking an entire chicken was a success!
I would have taken a picture, but Joe carved it about halfway before he even thought about it haha.
Possibly because we didn't eat all day in anticipation for it, so we were pretty hungry!
Anyway, it was SUPER easy!
All I did was put the whole chicken in the crock pot, cover it with salt, pepper, and cajun seasoning, let it cook for eight hours, and...voila!
I also made my first batch of homemade mashed potatoes.
I made a few other things too, so it ended up being almost like a faux-Thanksgiving dinner.
Next time I promise to take some pictures before we destroy it!

Hope everyone else had a great weekend!


  1. WOO HOO! what a fun weekend! (although i was VERY exhausted sunday at work) i loved getting twisted with you and July! And the black guy who took over the dance floor with his hip move!

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  3. You were so good at impersonating him haha. My fave was the guy you did the 'choreographed' dance with at the end haha it's like you guys were old friends!

    the three of us will definitely have to get twisted again asap!
