
fill in the blank friday!

Let me just start off by saying I'm feeling so accomplished right now!!
1. I made it through hell week.
2. I made a 94 on my french oral presentation! A 94!!!!
3. I just finished unpacking all my dishes in my new apartment and now my favorite room in the apartment actually feels like mine!

My friend, July, and I have become so close over the last two and a half years, and one of my favorite things to do is have girls' weekends with her!  Our boys are gone to Orlando this weekend for a soccer game, so girls' weekend 2011 is on!  I couldn't be more excited because all I want to do is relax, have drinks, and do girly things after this monster of a week.  Who knew when we planned this over a month ago that it would fall on such a perfect weekend?!

And now...fill in the blanks!

1.   One of my happiest moments ever was getting into UGA.  After all these years, I still think it's one of the most exciting things that's happened.  Probably because instead of receiving a letter in the mail like everyone else, I got a phone call from the admissions office AND they officially admitted me while I was on the phone.  SO exciting.

2.  Summer is wedding season and weddings are MY FAVE. I just love the whole idea of weddings.  Not so much the decorations and money being spent, but the two people coming together.  I think it's so nice that people get up in front of everyone they know for the sole reason of proclaiming how much they love their partner.  Oh yeah...and the speeches.  The speeches get me EVERY time.

3.  This summer is way too hot.  Seriously, I am so over the heat it's ridiculous.  I'm so ready for fall to get here!  Football, birthdays, two weddings, and all the holidays! Ah love it.

4.  My summer food of choice has been turkey sandwiches.  Exciting, right?  I have found that a turkey sandwich and some grapes are the only things I can eat during the day with this awful heat without making myself sick.  I've never been able to eat a lot when it's hot though.

5.  My summer uniform has been cheerleading shorts and t-shirts.  All day, e'eryday.  I have no motivation whatsoever to dress up for class.  Ever.

6.  If I could spend the entire summer in one location I would choose the beach...duh.  The heat somehow seems worth it when you have a huge ocean right next to you!

7.  My summer anthem is a mystery!  I don't really have one song that I've been obsessed with this summer...recently it's been Katy Perry's "Last Friday Night," but not for any real reason.  I haven't really done anything that she sings about in that song, but something about it just makes me want to dance around and have fun, and what better time to dance around and have fun than SUMMER!

Hope everyone has a nice weekend!!


  1. I love a good turkey sandwich with avocado & tomato. so, so good! stopping by from the link up :)

    {I'm hosting a giveaway & would love to see you there! amyrenepowell.com}

  2. Turkey sandwiches from Subway are my absolute favorite! I also chose Katy Perry's song...it's so darn catchy.

    Stopping by from Lauren's blog :)

  3. Thanks for stopping by ladies! I'm glad I'm not the only one that enjoys a good turkey sandwich on these hot days! :)
