

Well, friends, it's finally here.
Tomorrow is the big day.
I can't believe it really.  Today I'm feeling super nervous.
Probably because I have so much left to do {procrastination at it's finest}...but whatever.
I'm spending the last day at my apartment in the most appropriate way I can think of, which is laying in bed, watching reruns, and recovering from the one-too-many margaritas I had at dinner with my roommates last night.
I'll miss lazy days like this in my bed.
However, on the bright side, my dad is buying Joe and me a new bed frame and duvet cover!
So that means I'm on mission 'make our bedroom cozy' immediately after the move is over.

Yesterday was the last day of all my summer classes.
I can't believe I survived!
I am officially one French final away from being a SENIOR!
This day felt like it would never come.  Seriously.
Tomorrow after my final and the move, a lot of celebrating will be happening for sure!!

Okay, enough about moving and school.

Today I'm also going to get my haircut, which I'm SO excited about.
I love the feeling of a fresh do!
I found this place downtown in Athens that I absolutely love called Rage.

I always go to this girl, Jenna, who is like some sort of hair magician.  She's the only person that's ever cut my hair exactly the way I like it.
The dilemma today is that she's completely booked, so I'm trying out a guy named Matt instead.
I'm super nervous!!!!
So, if you want to send out some virtual prayers for my hair, I'd appreciate it!

Hope everyone is enjoying their week!
The next time I talk to you guys, I'll be an Atlanta resident!

Oh, by the way, I forgot to share this funny picture I saw the other day via Twitter.

You know it's hot when people are baking cookies in their cars!!


  1. One more day, one more day, eeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I can't believe we are officially about to be neighbors. I get to have you right there, at all times, whenever I need to escape the xbox and ESPN! ahhhh I am so excited!! We are totally celebrating this weekend, AND next Wednesday for ladies' night, AND next weekend because the boys will be in Vegas. Basically, we are going to be spending A LOT of time together - get ready :)

  2. Believe me, I AM READY!!!! :) I can't wait to have our first Wednesday ladies night!!!! AND to have someone to watch Bachelor Pad with on Monday!!! Ahhhhh!!!!!!!
