
fill in the blank...sunday?

This weekend has been so busy, I didn't have time to do a fill in the blank!!  I will make up for it today though.  Since my dad lives in Alabama, I won't be seeing him for Father's Day, which is super sad.

{Love you, Dad!  You're the BEST, hands down!}

Instead, I will be doing all kinds of homework {and let's face it, probably going to the pool by myself because I also haven't been able to do that all weekend either}!

Before the fill in the blank, an exciting thing that happened this week: I found someone to sublease my apartment!  She met with us Thursday night for dinner and hung out for about two hours, then Friday she came and signed all the papers!  So, it's official.  I will be an Atlanta resident as of August 6th!

Hope you all are having a great day out there celebrating with your dads!
1.   The last movie I saw was The Hangover 2, in theaters.  At home though, Uptown Girls.  It just happened to be on MTV yesterday and we caught it at the very beginning, what luck!

2.  I want to sleep all day today.  I just can't seem to get moving.  It's only 12:30 and I've already managed to take an hour and a half nap.

3.  Surprises are my favorite!! They don't happen often enough, if you ask me!

4.  The best accessory is a headband.  I have been really into headbands for the last few years, but recently I bought about 10 new ones (including animal print and one that looks like it's made from little silver pearls) and they're so fun!

5.  My favorite warm drink is hazelnut coffee with pumpkin spice creamer.  Love in a cup.

6.  My favorite cold drink is Powerade.  Sweet tea.  Lemonade.  Frozen daquiris.  The list goes on, really.  Depends on my mood!

7.  Currently loving spending some alone time in the apartment that will soon be mine.  It's weird because it still doesn't feel like home, but it's getting there.  Also currently loving working on French homework, surprisingly.  This semester I have a new teacher and she's really great!  It's not as scary to speak in French out loud in this class, so I feel like I'm actually learning something!

1 comment:

  1. THATS SO AWESOME! im so happy that you found someone!! woo!
