
introducing...jhey jr.!

Hello everyone!
As promised, I'm back today with a normal post.  Unfortunately, I don't have a recipe to share with you this week since Joe and I were traveling and basically the only home-cooked thing we ate was a big breakfast I made the first day.  That didn't seem fun enough to post about though, so instead I would like to introduce everyone to a new addition to Joe and I's family!

He was named after Jason Heyward, since he's my favorite player {representing Henry County!!}, but we call him JHey Jr.  That's what his official Build-A-Bear birth certificate says.
I can't tell you how much fun we had making this little guy.  Call me crazy, but you're never too old to go into Build-A-Bear and create your own stuffed animal.  My favorite part is when you pick out a little heart to put inside of him and they make you dance around {jump up and down to give him a heart beat, spin around in circles for circulation, touch your nose with it so that he's not nosey, etc.}.  It was quite the adorable experience.

As for the rest of the weekend, it was fun!  My dad is doing great, and I even got to buy a new pair of heels.  FINALLY!  Now I just need something to dress up for...hmm...

On another note, I have been looking for someone to sublease my apartment, and I think I might have finally found someone normal *knock on wood*!!  We're going to meet up this week to talk about all the details and do the whole meet-and-greet thing, but if all goes well, my lease will be taken over and moving in with Joe will become REAL!
I sort of got emotional about it today.  For one, breaking the news to my dad was hard...I don't know why.  He's just my DAD you know?  I've always been a daddy's girl so it's weird telling him that things are actually getting serious with a boy {even though he was overall really supportive}.  He always gives the best advice, and in the end, he told me he could tell my mind was made up and that I need to stop stressing and just pull the trigger.
Secondly, I really am going to miss my apartment.  Last week, my roommates and I had a "roomie day," including pool time, drinks, cooking dinner, and playing Mario.  It's days like that that remind me how much things will change when I do move.  I'm going to miss days like that.
But regardless of all of that, here I am, pulling the trigger and setting up a meeting for a possible sub-leaser, and I am definitely getting excited/anxious as August gets closer!

That's about all that's going on for now though.  Class started last Friday, so for the rest of the week I will be studying and frantically trying to clean my room before Thursday.
Hope you all enjoy your week!!


  1. Awww I know it's going to be a huge change for you, but I know that you are going to be so happy once you are all settled, and you make your apt pretty (with girl things!). AND most importantly, you know that I am here for you, and I will do my best to make the transition as easy/fun as possible!!! I am so excited to finally have you in Atlanta, and I am looking forward to all our fun together! I mean think about it - pool, pedicures, shopping, girl time whenever we want!! Not only that, but the Fall, the holidays, decorating our apts with all fun stuff - we are going to have so much fun!!

    I love you!!!!!!!

  2. Aww thank you!!! Sometimes I forget that it's going to be more home-like when all my stuff is there too...I am so excited to have you nearby though!! And to start having weekly dinner dates!! I can't believe it's FINALLY happening, after two years of us planning to be neighbors haha! I love you too!!!
