

Hello lovelies!
I can't believe it's been almost a month since my last post.
Things around here have been SO busy.
Lots of final projects/papers/exams at school, not to mention our poor sweet pup got PNEUMONIA!
Yeah, weird right?!  Who knew animals could get pneumonia.
I'm happy to say, though, that pup is doing well and is almost back to 100% AND my final exams at school are completely finished, marking the end of fall semester!
I couldn't be happier about that.
Not only because I never have to go back to the awful sociology class I was taking, but also because now I am about to embark on my FINAL SEMESTER EVER!
Unbelievable, to say the least.

Since I've been gone awhile, I have a few pics to share with you just to keep you guys posted on what's been going on with me!

First, Thanksgiving happened.  Every year at Joe's parents' house, Ashley and I have a potato peeling contest before dinner.
Let me start off by saying this started off as a joke...and I'm not really that competitive (I get nervous under pressure!), but Ashley is super competitive...so over the past three years the contest has gotten more and more serious.
This year, however, things jumped to a whole new level.

That's right, a golden peeler plaque was awarded to the winner, which this year just so happened to NOT be me.
I have to admit though, the plaque is pretty hilarious, and at least my name is on there as the winner last year!
Next Thanksgiving it's game on, that's for sure.

Also at Thanksgiving, Ashley and I always build a gingerbread house.

After Thanksgiving was over, Joe and I decided to get a jump start on Christmas and pick out our very first Christmas tree together!

I haven't had a real Christmas tree in probably over 10 years, so I was pretty excited about this!
My family always had this beautiful, fake, pre-lit tree, so I sort of forgot how fun it is to have a real one (and how great the smell is!).
Since this picture, AJ has managed to pull all of the lower branches closest to the floor completely off in order to chew on them.  Silly pup.

Then, my good friend Stephanie got engaged!!!
Look at that ROCK!
I'm a little obsessed with her ring...I mean LOOK at it.
And, I'm so excited to be a part of their big day!!
I'm gonna be a professional bridesmaid soon enough!

Lastly, finals week at school came and went.
My old roommate, Andrea, and I both had our last final in a class we had together, so afterwards it was only appropriate to celebrate!

This weekend, Joe's mom is graduating from UGA with her teaching degree!  So, we will be down in Peachtree City celebrating her accomplishments for the weekend.

Also coming up, on Monday to be exact, is Joe and I's 3 YEAR anniversary!
I'll be back after that with an update on how we celebrated.
I see a lot more Andre in my future, that's for sure.

Have a great weekend ladies!

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